Yuval Samburksi
2024 Workshops:
Sutras & Pranayama: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of yoga philosophy’s most celebrated texts, is about 2500 years old, yet it is as relevant as ever. Within it, Patanjali describes “Ashtanga” the 8-limbed path towards Samadhi or “Liberation”. It is a step by step journey towards bliss, or self-realization.
The fourth limb on the path is Pranayama, or breath-work, essential to the health of all the systems in the body (physical and beyond), and the key to meditation techniques.
Here is your chance to join Kripalu lead faculty, Yuval Samburski in a unique session, which combines both: a Sutras discussion and a Pranayama practice, all in one.
We will start by discussing some main concepts of the Yoga Sutras (which are said to be life-changing), and then discuss some which are related directly to the practice of Pranayama and its benefits. We will then seamlessly continue our session with a practical experience of Pranayama, breath work, to connect the dots, raise our state of consciousness up high, and set the tone for the evening, so that it is a calm and restful one.
UVYogaDance with Yuval: during lunch at 11:30!